Access to the District's wireless network, including the Internet, shall be made available to students and employees primarily for instructional and administrative purposes and in accordance with administrative regulations. Limited personal use of the system shall be permitted if the use:
Access to the District’s electronic communications system is a privilege, not a right. All users shall be required to acknowledge receipt and understanding of all administrative regulations governing use of the system and shall agree in writing to comply with such regulations and guidelines. Noncompliance with applicable regulations may result in suspension or termination of privileges and other disciplinary action consistent with District policies.
Violations of law may result in criminal prosecution as well as disciplinary action by the District.
Fort Gibson Public Schools promotes and encourages the student use of personal electronic devices in an appropriate manner for educational purposes. Students must comply with current federal and state laws and district policies. The use of personal electronic devices is a privilege and as such, it can be revoked due to district policy violations. District personnel may restrict the use of such devices when required and unauthorized use will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Students are not to use electronic devices for the purpose of academic dishonesty. If this occurs, disciplinary action will be taken. During the course of the school year, additional guidelines may be discovered and they will be communicated to students at that time.
Terms of Acceptable Use and Internet Policy
Must follow district guidelines each time the Internet is used at school.
The District will not be responsible for any damaged or stolen personal devices, including loss of data.
Once a student’s personal device is on district property or at a district sponsored event, a student must make the personal electronic device available for inspection by an administrator, teacher or technology staff member upon request. District staff reserves the right to search the District and/or Personal electronic devices and the student network drive for software, files, messages or files sent or received via the Internet, No Expectation of Privacy on these devices.
Must use appropriate language in all communications. The student will not use profanity, obscenity, offensive or inflammatory speech. The student will not participate in “Cyber Bullying” such as personal attacks and/or threats on or against anyone using these District and/or Personal electronic devices. The student will immediately report to school personnel any observed personal electronically transmitted attacks in any form made by others over the Internet or Local Area Network (LAN) while using District and/or Personal electronic devices
For more information view Fort Gibson Acceptable Use Policy