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Fort Gibson Public Schools

Home of the Tigers

Responsibilities - Students

Your ChromeBook/notebook computer is an important learning instrument and is primarily for educational purposes.

In order to take your ChromeBook/notebook computer home, you must be willing to accept the following responsibilities:

• All holds must be cleared and payment made before you will be allowed to take the ChromeBook/notebook computer home.

• When using the ChromeBook/notebook computer at home, at school and anywhere else I may take it, I will follow these policies and rules and the rules contained in the Fort Gibson Schools Handbook, and abide by all local, state and federal laws.

• I will treat the ChromeBook/notebook computer with care by not dropping it, getting it wet, leaving it outdoors, using it with food or drink nearby, or using it in horseplay.

• I will not loan the ChromeBook/notebook computer to anyone, not even my friends or siblings; it will stay in my possession at all times.

• I will not attempt to delete any pre-installed software onto the ChromeBook/notebook computer .

• I will not remove programs or files from the ChromeBook/notebook computer .

• I will honor my family’s values when using the ChromeBook/notebook computer .

• I will use my ChromeBook/notebook computer in safe locations as agreed to by my parents.

• I will not give personal information when using the ChromeBook/notebook computer .

• I will not use the ChromeBook/notebook computer to spread rumors or create conflict with other students.

• I will bring the ChromeBook/notebook computer to school fully charged every day.

• If I do not have my ChromeBook/notebook computer in class, I may be required to complete an alternate assignment if the notebook computer is being used in class. I will still be responsible for completing the missed computer assignment.

• I agree that e-mail (or any other computer communication) should be used only for appropriate, legitimate and responsible communication.

• I will keep all accounts and passwords assigned to me secure, and will not share these with any other students.

• I will not attempt to clean or repair the ChromeBook/notebook computer

• I will return the ChromeBook/notebook computer when requested and upon my withdrawal from Fort Gibson Public Schools.

• I understand that if I violate any of these rules, I may lose the privilege to use the ChromeBook/computer at home or even at school.

• I understand that if I deliberately damage the ChromeBook/computer or through gross negligence I allow damage to the computer, there may be a claim fee for repairing/replacing the device and/or I will face consequences up to and include the loss of computer use privileges or suspension.

• I will return the ChromeBook/notebook computer in good condition and repair when requested and upon my withdrawal from Fort Gibson Public Schools.

• I will report to the school any problem with my ChromeBook/notebook computer immediately.