Parent/Teacher Organization
For more information, please visit the PTO's website at fortgibsonelcpto
2021-2022 School Supply Kits are on Sale!
ELC PTO will be offering school supply kits for both ELC and IE students.
Order forms came home in your child’s enrollment packet or your can order online at fortgibsonelcpto.
•Pre-k Kit: $64
•Kindergarten Kit: $70
•1st Grade Kit: $74 (with headphones) / $62 (without headphones)
•2nd Grade Kit: $80 (with headphones) / $68 (without headphones)
•3rd Grade Kit: $65 (with headphones) / $58 (without headphones)
•4th Grade Kit: $70 (with headphones) / $63 (without headphones)
•5th Grade Kit: $57 (with headphones) / $50 (without headphones)
*All kits come with a tiger drawstring backpack and name brand supplies.
*School supply kits will be delivered to your child's classroom on back to school night.
Questions contact Katy Coe at 918-869-2133 or