- Cultural Enrichment -
- Daily Indian Culture classes for KG-1-2 -
- Basket making project for students in 3-4-5 -
- $30 for cap & gown -
- $30 for one ACT test per year (grades 10-11-12) -
(Contact Karen Gillispie before registering)
- Academic Incentives twice a year -
- School supplies available in August and replenished at various times throughout the school year -
- Powwow Day (ELC and IE) in May -
You may reach the Indian Education Program or the Cultural Center between
the hours of 8:30 a.m. & 3:00 p.m. by calling 918.478.3078
Mr. Scott Farmer
Director Federal Programs
Indian Education Coordinator
Ms. Karen Gillispie
J.O.M. Coordinator
Mr. Victor Wildcat
Native American Instructor