My classroom is not conducive to student owned technology, am I required to allow my students to access their technology tools in the classroom?
Answer: No. Although we encourage teachers to leverage the student owned technology tools in their classroom for learning, there is no requirement of teachers to allow this. You are in charge of the way your class functions and the rules that apply.
Some of my students cannot access the network on their laptops or phones. I don’t have time in a class period to help them with this. Should I put in a help request or call the help desk?
Answer: No. Students who cannot access the TigerGuest network or who may have technical issues with their technology tool need to take care of this issue by working with their user’s manual that came with the device out of the classroom. These are not Fort Gibson School District devices and the district is not allocating resources at this time to troubleshoot issues. You are welcome to help if you choose, but it is not a staff member’s responsibility to ensure that student owned technology is functioning properly.
I have students on my campus who are accessing the Internet using their provider’s data plan (AT&T, Sprint, Verizon etc.) on their smart phones or laptops, hence bypassing the filter. Is this a violation of the student AUP?
ANSWER: This is not an AUP violation because the student is not bypassing the filter on the Fort Gibson Schools District's network, but instead using a provider’s data plan.
I have my own laptop and a smart phone. I would like to utilize these tools at work. Does this new plan include all school staff?
Answer: Yes. school staff can also access the TigerGuest network. Keep in mind that the TigerGuest network is going to be filtered for everyone accessing it.
One of my students was using his laptop to bully another student on campus. Should I call the central technology office concerning this problem?
Answer: No. Any disciplinary infractions that occur from using technology tools should be referred to an administrator. This would be student code of conduct issue.