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Fort Gibson Public Schools

Home of the Tigers

Do You Have a Plan for College?

Having a plan for college has never been more important! Early planning for college is essential for student success.

The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s Do You Have a Plan for College? guides for 8th-10th and 11th-12th grade students – available exclusively online – provide tools to help students and parents:

  • Prepare academically and financially for college.
  • Explore campus and degree options.
  • Navigate the admission process.
  • Utilize OKcollegestart, our comprehensive college planning portal for students, parents and educators.
  • Research careers and salary expectations for various jobs.

We also encourage students and parents to visit OKcollegestart .org and UCanGo2, call the Student Information Hotline at 800.858.1840 (405.225.9239 in Oklahoma City), or email a request to for more information.

8th - 10th grade Your Plan for College guide

11th & 12th grade Your Plan for College guide